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Working remotely is no longer a perk, but an expectation—and global teams have effectively worked “remotely” for years now, working on products and business decisions over video conferencing tools or over the phone with their coworkers across multiple countries. The bigger your company is, the more likely it has different office locations and team hubs scattered across the planet. And, the bigger your company is, the harder it is to keep track of all your operations.

Because of this, ops teams are often spread out across the globe, making it hard to always keep each other in the loop or ask questions in real-time. This naturally creates silos, too, resulting in a lot of reinventing the ops wheel.

It’s absolutely possible for ops teams to overcome this challenge. Let’s walk through managing your tech stack with a team that’s spread across different locations and time zones.

Managing Ops teams across the globe can be challenging

If you have multiple ops teams working within one tech stack—or even multiple, in the case of mergers and acquisitions—and they aren’t communicating with one another on their decisions, that can cause a lot of bloat in your Salesforce accounts. This kind of miscommunication can result in things like:

  • Different fields for the same data point, slightly altered
  • Multiple versions of a very similar process built out in different ways that don’t communicate to each other much
  • An edit or change made to the wrong field or process, causing a ripple effect across the company
  • Hundreds of reports that all say the same thing
  • Incorrect assignment of leads and accounts

If you take into account a lack of documentation and a rotating door of new ops employees, it’s easy to see how this can turn into a nightmare… fast. It may seem like a daunting task to improve communication across your ops teams—especially if you already have a lot of the tech debt mentioned above weighing you down—but it doesn’t have to be.

Improve collaboration across any time zone with Change Intelligence

Working effectively with ops teams across multiple locations and time zones is possible with a little elbow grease and documentation, but wouldn’t it be easier to have some help along the way with software purpose-built to manage your tech stack for multiple teams?

Using a Change Intelligence platform like Sonar might be exactly what you need. By centralizing all of your Salesforce fields, automations, dependencies, and more, every ops team member no matter their location can make sure any change they make won’t negatively affect someone else—or they might realize the process they need already exists.

Sonar helps you:

  • Understand your Salesforce org and get context for how it was built with Blueprint. This is especially useful for new ops team members, but can be helpful for everyone looking to find out how a component is used and how a change will affect things.
  • Always stay on top of changes your team is making with daily updates from Change Timelines and our Slack integration. With global ops teams, you need to rely on asynchronous work and communication, and our Slack notifications and timeline summaries help your coworkers catch up while you’re asleep.
  • Scope and manage change projects easily with Initiatives. Within Initiatives, you can list out all items to be completed, organize the tasks needed, and document the context behind your changes.

Say goodbye to Ops silos

Working with multiple global ops teams doesn’t have to be difficult or annoying to manage. Try Sonar out for free today.